The video game industry is firmly established in Bordeaux.
The years pass, and the attractiveness of Bordeaux remains!
For example in the video game industry, many companies have been created there (such as Asobo Studio), or have set up offices or subsidiaries (like Ubisoft)!
Bordeaux is hosting the Horizon(s) video game forum at the Grand Théâtre this year.
TechB will be there on 5th and 6th October 2022, come and meet us!
Some links on the interest of establishing your business in Bordeaux …
Link 1, Bordeaux attractiveness (Invest in Bordeaux), Link 2, Bordeaux way of life, Link 3, Bordeaux 2nd best city in France
- Help you to implement smoothly your company on the Place de Bordeaux.
- Support you in your technical choices concerning your server applications or your information system (optimization, performance, cybersecurity, …).